Hydro grains

3 liter


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  • The most exclusive houseplants
  • The largest range of baby plants
  • Straight from the nursery

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    About this product

    Hydro grains are an incredibly versatile substrate! Whether you're using them for hydroponics, rooting cuttings, or blending them into a soil mix, they offer a bunge of benefits. These grains excel in drainage, moisture retention, and aeration, reducing the risk of root rot and other pests associated with waterlogged soil. Moreover, they provide excellent support for plant roots, promoting stability within the pot. With a neutral pH, hydro grains create an optimal environment for root development.

    But wait, there's more! Made from clay, hydro grains are durable and reusable, making them not only an excellent choice for your plants but also for the environment. Are you eager to give hydro grains a try? Buy hydro grains online.

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