Lisa Pot Dusty Terra

Ø 15 cm


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  • 250,000+ PLNTScommunity followers
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plants for this pot size:

Rowleyanus Variegated
Calathea White Fusion
Stingray Alocasia
Verrucosum Philodendron
    About this pot

    New season, new look for Lisa! She shines in some new trendy colors like dusty terracotta, ochre, and petrol, giving your interior a touch of vintage. Lisa comes in two sizes: 7 cm for the little ones and a generous 15 cm for our medium-sized green friends. Fun fact: these pots, coated with a glaze over the ceramic, come straight from the Netherlands. Give your plants that stylish upgrade with Lisa's sparkling new appearance!

    • Diameter15cm
    • Height16cm

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!